Nothocladus nodosus Skuja
“Plants tufted, monoecious, mucilaginous, 1-4 cm high, 250-1000 mm in diameter, irregularly, radially alternate, rarely oppositely or pseudodichotomously branched, olive-green to brown; whorls confluent to apex of plants. Cortical filaments and secondary fascicles very abundant. Fascicles cells cylindrical, fusiform to ellipsoidal, terminal hairs rare or common; proximal cells often with swollen ends, distal cells ellipsoidal to obovoidal, no differentiation of cell size and shape of cortical filaments; secondary fascicles numerous, covering all internodes; spermatangia globular, 2-3 mm in diameter, terminal on specialized laterals arising from periaxial cells; carpogonium-bearing branches curved, consisting of 4-9 cells, arising from periaxial cells and all but distal cells of fascicles; involcral filaments short; carpogonia 4-6 mm in diameter at the base, 35-55 mm long, trichogyne elongate, clavate, often protruding through fascicles; indeterminate growth spreading through fascicles, producing carposporangium-bearing laterals in cymose clusters at whorls surface; carposporangia ellipsoidal or obovoidal, 7-12 mm in diameter, 10-15 mm long.”
Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress Ltd. 375pp.
Type Locality: Australia.
Distribution: Australia.