Batrachospermum turfosum Bory emend. Sheath, Vis et Cole
“Plants monoecious, moderately mucilaginous, consistency rigid, 2.5-5 cm high, 300-1000 µm in diameter, branching pseudo-dichotomous, sparse, main branch indistinct, apicies straight, base denuded. Whorls well developed, dense, obconical, barrel-shaped or compressed and indistinct, contiguous. Internodes 250-400 µm long. Periaxial cells spherical of ovoidal, 3-4 primary fascicles. Cortical filaments well developed. Primary fascicles straight, 8-13 cell storeys, proximal cells ellipsoidal, 7.5-15 µm in diameter, 20-45 µm long; distal cells ellipsoidal, obovoidal or semi-spherical, 4-10 µm in diameter, 10-20 µm long; branching 3-7 times di- rarely trichotomous. Hairs numerous, short, with inflated base. Secondary fasciclces numerous, along the length of the internode, reaching the length of the primary fascicles. Spermatangia spherical, terminal or subterminal, on primary of secondary fascicles, 6-9 µm in diameter. Carpogonium-bearing branch straight, on periaxial cell, 3-7 celled, short, 18-40 µm long, cells disc- or barrel-shaped, 6-8 µm in diameter, 6-9 µm long. Involucral filaments numerous, short, 1-4 barrel-shaped or subspherical cells. Carpogonium symmetrical, 35-60 µm long, base 5-6 µm in diameter, apex 7-10 µm in diameter. Trichogyne club-shaped, sessile. Carposporphytes abortive. Gonimoblast filaments and carposporangia not observed.”
Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress Ltd. 375pp.
Type Locality: France, Europe
Distribution: Europe: France, Ireland, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden; Asia: India, Japan; Papua New Guinea; North America: Canada, U.S.A.; South America: Brazil.